Council Agenda Item 87
Subject: Support for Political Groups
Date of meeting: 1 February 2024
Proposer: Councillor Mark Earthey
Seconder: Councillor Bridget Fishleigh
This Council:
1. Notes its current financial difficulties and the sacrifices that are having to be made and thanks all council officers for their dedication to the continuation of public services they and others rely on.
2. Notes that the cost of support for the three largest political groups from April 1st 2024 will be £194,900, spread evenly across the three Groups.
3. Notes that the Local Government and Housing Act requires the 3 largest political groups to be offered equal support if the membership of the group consists of at least 10% of the membership of the authority.
4. Notes that Councillors are able to organise their own meetings, write their own speeches and develop their own opinions on city-wide issues using their manifestos as a base.
5. Notes that
local government officers are granted access to information
and governed by different rules than people employed by political
parties, and work in public service as council officers;
if the groups wish to maintain the current levels of support
then they could directly fund roles to be employed by political
6. Notes that any changes which may have an impact on staffing are required to follow the Council’s policies, including the Council’s Organisation Change Management Framework.
7. Notes the extra strain these potential cuts will place on the remaining staff within Democratic Services.
Therefore, Council resolves to:
Request officers to consider
including within the budget proposals the
£194,900 savings that could be achieved
through the cessation of changes agreed
cross party to BHCC financial support to political groups
from April 1 2024, with budget reallocated to frontline
Proposed by: Cllr Davis Seconder: Cllr Hill
Recommendations to read if carried:
This Council:
1. Notes its current financial difficulties and the sacrifices that are having to be made and thanks all council officers for their dedication to the continuation of public services they and others rely on.
2. Notes that the cost of support for the three largest political groups from April 1st 2024 will be £194,900, spread evenly across the three Groups.
3. Notes that the Local Government and Housing Act requires the 3 largest political groups to be offered equal support if the membership of the group consists of at least 10% of the membership of the authority.
4. Notes that Councillors are able to organise their own meetings, write their own speeches and develop their own opinions on city-wide issues using their manifestos as a base.
5. Notes that
local government officers are granted access to information and
governed by different rules than people employed by political
parties, and work in public service as council officers.
6. Notes that any changes which may have an impact on staffing are required to follow the Council’s policies, including the Council’s Organisation Change Management Framework.
7. Notes the extra strain these potential cuts will place on the remaining staff within Democratic Services.
Therefore, Council resolves to:
1. Request officers to consider including within the budget proposals the savings that could be achieved through changes agreed cross party to BHCC financial support to political groups from April 1 2024, with budget reallocated to frontline services.